By following a few simple rules will ensure you get the best result from your
Before lighting always trim the wick to 5mm and remove any debris to encourage
an even burn. Cotton wicks sometimes mushroom, always remove the top with scissors or a wick trimmer to ensure a clean burn.
Candles burn best in still air, ensuring they don’t drip or smoke. If you can’t
avoid a draught, turn the candle periodically to avoid an uneven burn and
possible smoke. Choose a vessel to help protect you candle and consider
the size and space around the candle as it will burn hotter and may overheat
causing it to drip or smoke.
Start burning the candle for one hour for every 2.5cm diameter the first time it
is lit. This will maximise the burn pool and avoid creating a tunnel/crater.
Best practice is to use a candle snuffer to prevent wicks from drifting off centre and
to avoid wax splash. If a candle snuffer is not available be careful to ensure the candle
does not relight after blowing it out.
Dinner and Taper candles should have the flame extinguished before the "crown" of the candle.
The crown is the bottom 2cm of the Dinner or Taper candle that sits inside the candle holder.
Dinner and Taper Candles should not be allowed to burn down below the top of the candle holder.
beeswax Jar candles and Pillar Candles should cease to be used when there is 1cm of wax remaining.
When grouping candles to create centrepieces or displays be sure to separate the candle by a
minimum of 10cm to prevent undue candle melt and burn problems. Candles burnt too close together
will will collapse or burn less than their advertised burn times.
Our candles are designed to be dripless when burnt in the correct conditions. Candles burn best when
placed upright on a flat, stable surface indoors and free from breezes. For best results ensure candles
are placed away from air-conditioning vents and open doorways. Always select an appropriate
candle holder to ensure your surfaces and table linens are protected.
Kept vertical, our taper and dinner candles will not smoke or drip if kept out of direct wind,
Air Conditioning or draughts. Use a taper holder to ensure your taper candle burns vertically.
Candles are sensitive to temperature and light. To avoid candles cracking, melting or fading be sure to store
in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, dust and fluorescent light.
Scented Candle Care
For the best burning experience please take good care of your candle.
- Containers made of glass are fragile, handle them with care.
- Do not use the candle if the jar is cracked or chipped.
- Always burn a candle away from drafts
- Never leave a burning candle unattended
- Make sure burning candles are out of reach of children and pets.
- Discontinue using the candle when a fingernails width of wax remains.
- Candles should not be burned for more than four hours at a time as the glass may overheat.
- Please be mindful to burn your candle on a heat resistant surface.
- Always keep the wick centred and do not allow the flame to touch the side of the jar.
- At each burn, be sure to burn the candle until the wax pool meets the edge of the jar. This is particularly important for the first burn of your candle as candles have a memory, and if the wax is not allowed to melt to the edges of the vessel it is likely that your candle will develop a ‘memory ring’ which causes tunnelling around the wick.
- Please extinguish carefully before replacing the lid.
- Remember the jar may be hot during and immediately after use.
- If the mouth of a jar candle becomes soot blackened, extinguish the flame, allow it to cool, and carefully wipe the rim with a dry paper towel.
- Importantly, always keep the wick trimmed to 5mm every time you use the candle.
- To repurpose your glassware, simply wipe jar clean with warm water and remove the wick tab with hot water. Amber glassware is especially good for plant propagation.